Thursday, April 21, 2011

Portfolio de Tristan

Tristan aime beaucoup dessiner.
Voici un échantillon de son travail de classe à l'Ecole des Bâtisseurs, à commencer par son auto-portrait:

D'autres devoirs tirés de son portfolio ICI

Monday, April 11, 2011

no-knead bread recipes

Over the past few weeks, I've been experimenting with making bread using dutch ovens, high heat, and minimal manual labour. Take a look at three of the  links I watched before I started fiddling with that type of bread baking.
The texture and taste of the bread we now eat at our kitchen table seem to please everyone in the family.

I adapted the recommended temperatures to my oven, since the first few loaves came out rather dark and hard. I now do a first baking (with lid on) for 23 minutes and then 13 minutes with the lid off. The crust remains crispy, and the crumb soft.  Take a look:

NYT video

Rustic Country Bread

The Merlin Menu: Dutch Oven Bread.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Bulletin d'information mensuel de l'école de Rémi et Tristan

Vous pouvez jeter un coup d'oeil sur les activités organisées par l'école ainsi que les recommendations adressées aux parents et aux élèves.
Le bulletin est ICI.