Thursday, December 31, 2009

the joys of travelling - sequel

Part of the joys of discovering countries is sampling their food.  This is definitely true for Korea.

Around universities in Seoul, small, dodgy-looking restaurants and classy ones compete for the remaining commercial space left by 3G/4G cell phone stores, real estate agencies and convenience stores.  You don’t need to look hard to find a copious and yummy meal in my neighbourhood.  The above snack cost me just over $6.00 all incl.  I plan to go back for seconds.

How can one eat out so well for such a reasonable price here?  Twenty years ago, when the same meal would have cost you half of that, I was told that it was cheap because Korea was arguably still a developing country, and that incomes were low.  But if one takes inflation into consideration, haemul sundubu hasn’t really become more expensive today while salaries have gone up.

(Delicious) food for thought...

1 comment:

  1. Ce serait bien de traduire ton blog en français. Cela aiderait beaucoup de personnes !!!!
    Moi, je n'ai aucun commentaire à faire sur ce site tel qu'il est !
    Gros bisous de nous tous et 2010 bisous pour l'année qui approche à grands pas.
